Biodiversity Theory and Practice. Zagori, Greece, 29rd June - 10th July, 2015
This school continues the series of Greek Summer Schools in Conservation Biology that began in 2008 but will be of a more quantitative nature and will focus on biodiversity. GSS-2015 will be under the aegis of the Society for Conservation Biology and of HELECOS. We aim to equip participants with an understanding of the principles of modern biodiversity theory and to teach practical skills for biodiversity fieldwork including sampling design and monitoring. Students will also learn how to use some of the main computer packages for biodiversity data analysis, mainly in the R programming environment. The duration is 12 days. The course is worth 6 ECTS and is aimed at postgraduate students; applicants with good quantitative skills are especially welcome. The fee* of 700€ covers registration, food, accommodation and local transport. The number of participants is limited to 15. GSS-2015 will be held at the PALASE Field Station of the University of Ioannina in Ano Pedina (central Zagori). As familiarity with R is essential, we offer a special two-day refresher course (27th-28th June) prior to the start of the school for those wishing to ‘brush up’ on R.
For more information, please visit the summer school website.
Note: We are offering a number of places at a reduced fee (€200 instead of €700). Applicants seeking such support should indicate this in their applications. Preference is given to applicants with economic difficulties. The British Ecological Society offers a number of travel grants for this course. More information here.