Δημοσιεύτηκε η Ανακοίνωση ΣΟΧ 1/2013, για την πρόσληψη προσωπικού με σύμβαση εργασίας ιδιωτικού δικαίου ορισμένου χρόνου συνολικά τεσσάρων (4) ατόμων, για την κάλυψη α...
Read more...Video announcement: The World's Mediterranean-Climate Ecosystems
This introductory program offers an overview of the world's Mediterranean-climate zones, pointing out their similarities and unique characteristics, while also illuminating the factors that threaten...
Read more...European Ecological Federation’s journal: Web Ecology
Dear all,We will draw your attention to Web Ecology (http://www.web-ecology.net/), the Open Access Journal issued since 2000 by the European Ecological Federation (EEF). Web Ecology...
Read more...Προσλήψεις προσωπικού στο ΦΔ Εθνικού Πάρκου Σχινιά-Μαραθώνα
Ο Φορέας Διαχείρισης Εθνικού Πάρκου Σχινιά – Μαραθώνα) ανακοινώνει την πρόσληψη, με σύμβαση εργασίας ιδιωτικού δικαίου ορισμένου χρόνου, συνολικά έξι (6) ατόμων για την κάλυψη...
Read more...University of Thessaly
Department of Agriculture, Crop Production and Rural Environment Postgraduate Study Program "Sustainable Crop Production and Environmental Management" Contact: aeiforospost@agr.uth.gr Website
Read more...University of the Aegean
Department of Environment Postgraduate Study Program "Environmental Policy and Biodiversity Conservation" Contact: postgrad@env.aegean.gr WebsiteDepartment of Environment Postgraduate Study Program "Ecological Engineering and Climate Change" Contact:...
Read more...University of Patras
Department of Biology Postgraduate Study Program “Applied Ecology - Management of Ecosystems & Biological Resources” Contact: dgrambio@upatras.gr WebsiteDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources Postgraduate Study...
Read more...University of Crete
Department of Biology (Coordinator), Natural History Museum and Greek Centre for Marine Research Interdepartmental Postgraduate Study Program "Environmental Biology - Management of Terrestrial and Marine...
Read more...National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Biology Postgraduate Study Program “Ecology & Biodiversity Management” Contact: secr@biol.uoa.gr Website
Read more...Democritus University of Thrace
Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and Natural Resources. Postgraduate Study Program "Sustainable Management of the Environment and Natural Resources" Contact: otemperi@ores.duth.gr Website...