Web Ecology newsletter, 2015-1

Dear colleagues,

Web Ecology published its first paper 15 years ago, in January 10, 2000. We have maintained a strong commitment towards European and international science ever since since, and plan to do it for the foreseeable future.

This year will be important too because we are being evaluated by Thompson to be included in their Science Citation Index. Although we are already evaluated by Scopus, adding this competitor indexing company would consolidate the impact of our publications. Until then, our Open Access publication fees will remain waived.

We have also started a series of Virtual Issues compiling remarkable papers from our 15 years of history grouped by umbrella themes. Our first virtual issue "Plant-plant interactions: from competition to facilitation" includes truly remarkable papers by important authors, which have participated on the very definition and development of the concept of facilitation.

But 2014 was a busy year too, and Web Ecology's 2014 volume was full of interesting works, including an essay by the Haekel Prize winner, E.D. Schulze, about forest management and biodiversity; which generated a lively debate. Also, studies about restoration of post-mining areas; partitioning of diversity; plant-plant spatial networks; reproductive ecology in Brazilian cerrados; the effect of mixtures on colonization of leaf litter in riparian zones; and ecological boundaries. We also had contributions to our Agora section, devoted to the discussion of enticing ideas, including a discussion about the inherent "editorial love of controversy", or a discussion about why the term "native invaders" should be avoided.

Finally, all European Ecological Federation members need to remember that the 13th EEF conference will be held in September 21-25 in Rome www.ecologyatinterface.eu, and Web Ecology will play a prominent role as the official conference journal. In fact, when you submit your abstract you will be asked to participate in our upcoming special issue "Ecology at the Interface" to which plenary speakers are also expected to contribute.

We hope this 15th anniversary will be very special, please do spread the word and celebrate with us!

Best regards,

Daniel Montesinos and Jutta Stadler
Editor-in-chief and Managing Editor
Web Ecology